As many parents will tell you when you have just had a child, ‘The nights are long, but the years are short’. Everyone seems to want to offer their advice, but we couldn’t agree more with this one. We know how quickly those years fly by, especially the first year of your baby’s life. Over 27 years ago we started running our Cherubs Club to help parents capture the unique stages of their first year and we are still doing this today.
We aim to capture three stages of your baby’s development during the first year to 18 months. This will all depend on your baby and when you think they have entered the next stage of their development. This is what we aim to capture during each stage of their journey:
First photo session – between 4-6 months
The first session is aiming to capture the wonderful baby stage. If you haven’t opted for newborn shots this is a great way to get photos of your baby whilst they are still small enough to stay still! These are taken with our fluffy white blankets and gorgeous material and with various props we will take natural shots of your baby. Letting them stick their foot in their mouths and cooing and dribbling is all part of this stage. We don’t worry too much about clothes for this one unless of course there is an outfit that is too cute not to include!
Second photo session – between 8-12 months
Your baby may now be on the move! These are to help capture them when they are sitting around and moving about and at this age, they certainly have growing personalities too. Whether they are bum shuffling across the floor or already taking their first steps it is amazing how much they would have changed during those last couple of months. This is the ideal time to bring along their favourite teddy or toy which makes a great shot – and to remind you exactly what they used to covet in years to come!
Third photo session – between 12 -18 months
Once standing and exploring we can get the action shots of your little one roaming around. They may be kicking footballs, jumping for balloons or scooting around and we are this to snap it all. Most parents like to bring along any siblings to this shoot and it is great time to get a family shot too. If it coincides with their first birthday you may even want to turn this session into a Cake Smash session to celebrate.
After you have chosen one image from each session they are printed and beautifully presented in a white triple frame ready for the wall. Looking at the development of your baby over the first year is not only a little emotional it is also the perfect thing to keep and show them when they are older – or to embarrass them of course!
For more information on our Cherubs Club photo sessions head over to our Cherubs section of the website. If you would like to have a chat about our Cherubs sessions, Karen our dedicated Cherubs Photographer (who has just celebrated 30 years here this year) will always be on hand to help. Just give her a call on 01992 638401.